Beer enjoyment
Our private alpine brewery BÜRGERBRÄU is located where nature is still in order, in the heart of the Upper Bavarian spa town of Bad Reichenhall, in the midst of the magnificent alpine world of Berchtesgadener Land, close to the Alpine National Park and the Austrian World Heritage city of Salzburg.
Since 1494
According to the oldest document still in existence, beer has been brewed here since 1494, in accordance with the “Reichenhall Purity Law” issued the year before by the Wittelsbach Duke Georg the Rich.
In 1901, August Röhm, the great-grandfather of today’s brewer, Christoph Graschberger, acquired the brewery and gave it the name “BÜRGERBRÄU”.

With 19 varieties of the best beer specialties and numerous awards, the brewery is today a guarantor of Bavarian beer culture far beyond the region. The company’s constant efforts to achieve the highest quality are recognized annually with the “Prize for Longstanding Product Quality” awarded by the German Agricultural Society (DLG). In our anniversary year 2019, we were also able to accept the highest honor to be awarded by the German brewing industry for the second time: the Federal Honorary Award of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture for “many years of outstanding achievements in the production of beer”.

Craft brewed - rooted in tradition
Beer is still brewed by human hands in our family brewery, with all senses and great personal commitment. We do this with conviction on the basis of traditional as well as newly conceived recipes, traditional brewing art, individual brewing processes, contemporary technology, the best raw materials from the region, ideal brewing water from the depths of the Alps, long maturing times and always in accordance with the “Reichenhall Purity Law” of 1493.

Beers in the brewery inn
You can order the following types of beer from us

The “Export” from BÜRGERBRÄU is a full-bodied beer with 12.2% original wort (at alc. 5.4% vol.) – and in our Seidel, with its full, bright color, also a real feast for the eyes!

Braumeister beer
As the name suggests, the “Alt-Reichenhaller Braumeister-Bier” is a masterpiece from someone who knows his craft – from our brewmaster. It tastes best with its 12.3% original wort (alc. 5.4% vol.) from our Braumeister Seidel.
Click here to learn more.

Yeast wheat light
BÜRGERBRÄU is one of the few breweries that continue to adhere to the elaborate, but qualitatively unsurpassed method of bottle fermentation. And exactly this difference separates the wheat from the chaff! The “Hefe-Weizen hell” has about 12.2% original wort (alc. 5.2% vol.).
Click here to learn more.

Yeast wheat dark
Of course, this beer is also brewed with the classic bottle fermentation. And only in this way can this incomparably strong, characteristic taste at around 12.2% original wort (alc. 5.2% vol.) be created, in which the aromas of yeast and wheat combine with the carbon dioxide to create an absolute pleasure experience. Click here to learn more.

Light whiteness
The fact that our “Leichte Weiße” tastes so good and characteristic is due to the complex bottle fermentation with low alcohol content (alc. 2.9% vol.) and only 23 kcal. / 100 ml. With 7.4% original wort, the “Leichte Weiße” combines the full flavor of a traditional Bavarian wheat with modern lightness.
Click here to learn more.

Ruperti Dark
A Bavarian beer classic like a picture book: with a rich, full, dark color, with a pleasant malt tone and velvety foam. Connoisseurs particularly enjoy drinking the “Ruperti-Dunkel” (12.2% original wort and alc. 5.1% vol.) from a classic glass jug.

Nomen est omen: The strongest piece of BÜRGERBRÄU bears its name “Suffikator” with full justification: Because it is almost proverbially quaffable and a benefit for body and soul! With an original wort of 18.3% (alc. 7.3% vol.), it powerfully embodies the ideal type of Bavarian strong beer.
Click here to learn more.

Rupertus Wheat Bock
It is a real rarity because we brew it only once a year. Its short season begins in November and ends irrevocably as soon as connoisseurs have enjoyed its last sip. The “Rupertus Weizenbock” has an impressive original wort of 16.5%.
(alc. 7.0% vol.).
Click here to learn more.

Hallgrafen Bock
The BÜRGERBRÄU wanted to set a pleasurable memorial to the historical Hallgrafen, who used to have an extraordinary importance for the city and the country, by making the Bock the Count! The “Hallgrafen-Bock” has it all: 16.6% original wort and alc. 7,2 % vol.
Click here to learn more.

The Pils Superior
BÜRGERBRÄU was one of the first breweries to brew Pils in Bavaria – with a distinctive, very fine hop aroma, beautifully fresh, round in taste and noble. In every respect, the “Pils SUPERIOR” with its 11.2% original wort (alc. 4.9% vol.) comes into its own in our slim Pilspokal.
Click here to learn more.

Gustl Bavarian light
Brewed with noble, light summer barley malt and fine Hallertau aroma hops, Gustl is a true Bavarian full beer: fresh, harmonious and convincing in taste at alc. 4.9% vol.
Click here to learn more.

Gustl Cellar Naturtrüb
Fresh beer directly from the lager cellar, that used to be reserved for our brewmasters to taste. But we think this privilege is due to all. With our unfiltered “GUSTL KELLERBIER NATURTRÜB”, every connoisseur can now treat himself to this beer – our beer in its most original form.
Click here to learn more.

Alpine fabric
Powerful, clear and sparkling fresh with a mild hop note. Our ALPENSTOFF draws its strength not only from its generous original wort (12.5%, alc. 5.3% vol.), but also from our old craft brewing experience and the quasi hand-picked ingredients.
Click here to learn more.

Alpine Fabric Nature Lemon
60% lemonade (incl. 4% naturally cloudy lemon juice) mixed with 40% Alpine pulp. Our “Alpenstoff Natur Lemon” is lemony, hoppy with a fine “Alpenstoff” note – the perfect thirst quencher even on hot summer days!
Click here to learn more.